Saturday 22 June 2013

Hotel Transylvania

Hello people! Today I'm going to write about a amazing movie 'Hotel Transylvania' by Sony Picture Animation. Holy Rabies I love this movie, it basically takes the piss out of what monsters original purpose was. Nobody is scared of Vampires and Werewolves anymore, instead people want to date them...DAMN YOU TWILIGHT! 

Hotel Transylvania starts of with Count Dracula, voiced by Adam Sandler, raising his vampire daughter Mavis, voiced by Selena Gomez. During this time he was having a hotel built to protect monsters from humans but most importantly to protect his daughter. Years into the future it's nearly Mavis' 118th birthday and Dracula has invited monsters to come and celebrate. Mavis has never been outside and she wants to see new things, Dracula promised her when she was younger that she could when she became 118. Dracula tells her to go to a nearby village for a test on whether or not she could handle the humans but the village is a scam built by Dracula to scare Mavis into staying in the hotel forever, which works! At the hotel a human boy walks into the hotel  and Dracula tries to get him to leave, this human named Johnny, voiced by Andy Samberg, discovers the monsters are real where he previously believed he entered a fancy costume party. The rest of the movie consists of Johnny changing the lives of the monsters, teaching Dracula how to have fun, showing the monsters how times have changed and falling in love with Mavis.

Count Dracula - Adam Sandler

Dracula is strong, dominant, handsome, charismatic and over-controlling, but he's actually a funny and cool guy once you get to know him. He is also a softy when it comes to Mavis, and is rather overprotective of her. However, when Jonathan enters the castle and takes a shine to Mavis (and after befriending Jonathan), Dracula finally comes to realize that his daughter's happiness is more important and allows them to date.Due to the century of running Hotel Transyvania and keeping it generally isolated from humankind, Dracula is somewhat ignorant of how the outside world has changed since 1898. As a result, he is initally confused with some of Johnny's remarks and the technology he brings with him, such as his smartphone and his contact lenses. He had a few misconceptions about humans, based on his outdated belief that humans would always hate monsters.

Mavis Dracula - Selena Gomez

Mavis is totally pampered by her father; however, she is headstrong and smart, and in many ways, a typical 118-year-old teenage girl. She is grown slightly bored with the domain of her childhood — she has lived within her father’s hotel and its grounds all her life — and she longs to travel, experience life and see the world but, once she meets Jonnystein (Jonathan) and they "have a zing" nothing will be the same.


Jonathan is an easy-going, happy-go-lucky young man whose presence breathes new life into the monster world, yet he is unaware that he is the catalyst of change. He simply points out things that are going on around him that the others should have recognized long ago, helping other characters discover a path to change their perspectives, in a non-threatening way."

Aww, Johnny is my favorite character, he's just an adorable idiot! Anyway, at the end of this fantastic film the main monsters and Johnny sing a little song! Here is is for you guys! I own nothing remember!

Well, to conclude I love this movie, I cannot find anything I can complain on and hopefully everyone loves it just as much as I do! See you next time, and just to top it off here is a picture of the monsters!

Information about the characters are copyrighted to the 'Hotel Transylvania Wiki'

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