Sunday 28 July 2013

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Hello everybody! I've recently posted four animated movies to here is my streak of animes! The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is the second anime I watched and I have mixed feelings about it. One one hand I found it pretty exciting but on the other hand I thought it was unbelievably boring!

The story follows the narrator and protagonist Kyon, a cynical and incredulous student entering high school, who is dragged along by the title character, his classmate Haruhi Suzumiya. She is an eccentric girl seeking supernatural phenomena and figures such as alienstime travelers and espers. She establishes, with his reluctant help, a club to investigate mysterious events, the SOS Brigade, and recruits three additional members: thelaconic bibliophile Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the friendly transfer student Itsuki Koizumi. These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon as the extraordinary characters Haruhi, who is unaware of her own destructive reality warping power, is seeking. The three additional members have been sent by their various organizations to observe Haruhi and prevent these powers from being unleashed, leaving to Kyon the task of maintaining for Haruhi the illusion of a normal life. - Took from Wikipedia

I am going to talk about the main characters very briefly since I can't decide which characters to single out!

Haruhi is a bright, energetic and athletic high-school student. Many male students consider her attractive. She alternates between melancholy and incredible optimism, often unpredictably. Haruhi is indeed stubborn and doesn't like to admit her mistakes, usually blaming other people. Also, she gets angry very easily, being an irascible and impulsive person. Her behavior was considered eccentric, and she had little interest in her classmates, at least until Kyon "convinced" her to form the SOS Brigade. Afterward, she became more mentally stable and gradually connected with schoolmates in club activities. Haruhi is a God.

Kyon is very sarcastic, quite intelligent and can be very observant, despite his average grades. Kyon's real name is never known along with his little sister's also. Throughout the series Kyon is the narrator. Kyon is the only normal human being in the SOS Brigade.

Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak, she does so in a very concise manner, always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate expression. She thinks very rationally, and finds it difficult to communicate with normal humans due to her intelligence and lack of empathy. She enjoys reading, and is seen reading a book in the majority of her appearances, typically of the science fiction or mystery genres. As the series continues, she displays an enjoyment of computer games and develops a sense of humor, although her unchanging facial expressions make it near-impossible to discern whether she is joking or not. Despite her reserved manner, she is reliable and trustworthy. Though seemingly cold and devoid of emotions at first glance, Yuki subtly shows a genuinely warm care and concern for her fellow SOS Brigade members. Yuki is the Alien in the SOS Brigade.

A shy and timid girl with a childish naïveté, Mikuru is depicted as kind, caring and thoughtful. She easily gets scared or flustered, more so in times whenever Haruhi is involved and makes her do embarrassing things. Apparently prone to daydreaming, she can also be rather clumsy at times. Nevertheless, she can be surprisingly resilient and is capable of recovering from even the most discomforting of situations as seen when Haruhi "teases" her. However, because of her gentle nature, she seems rather helpless most of the time. Kyon sees it as his duty to always watch over and protect her; although when it comes to Haruhi there is little to no rescue. However, at one point Koizumi states that Mikuru was chosen by the time-travelers for her beauty and for her ability to seduce Kyon, given that he is the only person whom Haruhi will listen to. Her helpless look when she willingly submits to Haruhi's unreasonable demands is part of her role. It's all so Kyon takes notice of her in order to control the group dynamic within the SOS Brigade. Mikuru is the Time Traveler in the SOS Brigade.

Ignore Haruhi's head!
Itsuki is constantly smiling and always speaks in a formal and polite manner. He is also prone to giving long and detailed explanations, usually illustrated by exaggerated hand gestures. Itsuki has confirmed to Kyon once that his outer personality is merely an artificial image he fakes in accordance to Haruhi's impression of him, and hints that his true character is something quite different, being "less pleasing" in the eyes of others. Maintaining his casual, constantly smiling self, however, is vital for keeping Haruhi's mentality balanced. Kyon himself thinks that he prefers seeing him smiling instead of looking melancholic, although the feeling makes him uncomfortable. Itsuki is the Esper in the SOS Brigade and my favorite character.

Now as usual there is always shipping in fadoms and I usually support 2 or 3 different pairings. Not in this one however, my little yaoi heart can only accept Itsukyon, Itsuki and Kyon. Here is a couple of pictures!

Now to end this post I give you the Hare Hare Yukia dance from the ending credits! This is not the official Full ending but nothing's wrong with it =w=

Friday 26 July 2013

Because I can't seem to post daily this is now a weekly blog and I'll post every Sunday! If I don't be free to kick my ass!

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Rise of the Guardians

Hi guys! I never posted yesterday cause I was at a friends house. So last in the list is Rise of the Guardians which was released in November 2012. This is an amazing movie about our childhood hero's!

The spirit of winter, Jack Frost, is lifted with no previous memory from the depths of a frozen pond by the Man in the Moon, only to discover that no one can see, hear, or touch him. Three-hundred years later, at the North Pole, Nicholas St. North, better known as Santa Claus, becomes aware that Pitch Black, the Boogeyman, has returned and is threatening the children of the world. After alerting fellow Guardians the Tooth Fairy/Toothiana (Tooth for short), the Easter Bunny/E. Aster Bunnymund, and the Sandman(Sandy for short) to the problem, North learns that Jack has been selected by the Man in the Moon as the new recruit. Jack, frustrated and hurt by centuries of isolation, declines the invitation, but North persuades him to cooperate by explaining their mission and the looming threat.

Meanwhile, Pitch and his nightmare minions raid Tooth's palace, taking all the children's teeth and the memories stored within. He also captures Toothiana's helper fairies, but a single fairy, Baby Tooth, is rescued by Jack. Resentful that he himself is not believed in, Pitch plans to destroy children's faith in the Guardians and thereby weaken them by preventing Toothiana from doing her work. To avert this, the Guardians travel the world collecting teeth, promising Jack that when they find Pitch, they will help him regain his own baby teeth, and through them the memories of his past life. On the expedition, a young boy named Jamie Bennett is delighted to discover the Guardians in his room; he believes in all of them except for Jack, whom he cannot see. Pitch learns of the Guardians' resistance and attacks Jack and Sandy. Despite Jack's efforts to save him, Sandy is overwhelmed and seemingly killed by Pitch.

The dejected Guardians rally by helping Bunnymund prepare his eggs for Easter. Although slightly complicated by the intrusion of Jamie's sister, Sophie, the preparation goes smoothly. Jack takes Sophie home, but afterward a mysterious female voice lures him to Pitch's lair, where Tooth's fairies and the teeth are being held. Pitch keeps him distracted with the promise of his teeth's memories, while Jack's absence allows the nightmares to raid Bunnymund's domain, shattering all the eggs and destroying the children's belief in the Easter Bunny.

After facing the disappointed Guardians, a despondent Jack departs in disgrace to Antarctica. There, Pitch tempts him to join forces, but Jack refuses, claiming that he does not want to be feared. In retaliation, Pitch threatens to kill Baby Tooth unless Jack relinquishes the source of his power, his staff. Pitch breaks the staff, and he throws both Jack and Baby Tooth down into an ice crevasse, where Baby Tooth convinces Jack to unlock his memories in an attempt to counter his despair. Long ago, his memories teach him, he was a mortal teenage boy who died saving his little sister from falling through the ice of the pond in which he awakened at the film's start. Because of that sacrifice, the Man in the Moon changed him into a spirit and chose him as a Guardian. Inspired by the revelation, Jack restores his staff and returns to help the Guardians.

Due to the power of Pitch's nightmares, only one child (Jamie) still believes. Jack races to the boy first and strengthens Jamie's wavering faith in the Guardians, but by creating snow in Jamie's room, he causes the boy to believe that Jack Frost is real. Jamie is finally able to see him, much to Jack's delighted surprise. The weakened Guardians arrive to confront Pitch, while Jamie gathers his friends to support them. Pitch's seemingly overwhelming power proves no match against the children's faith, which allows the Guardians to battle the Boogeyman. Sandman is resurrected by this belief and joins the fight, leaving Pitch defeated, the children's faith restored, and Jack with believers of his own. Pitch is conquered by his own fear, and the nightmares drag him away into his lair.

At this victory, Jack accepts his place as the Guardian of Fun and resolves to protect the world's children with his new friends.

I am a total Believer! No, not a Beliber you spazzies! Even though I was told at a very young age that Santa wasn't real and I discovered my dad had ALL of my baby teeth. I was never told about the Easter bunny or the Sandman OR Jack Frost! Even after all those things I still believe! Anyway, I'll leave this and I'll see you next time with an Anime Post!

Monday 15 July 2013


Hey guys! I told you I'd post today didn't I? Now once again this post is going to be quite short since there a no mini movies to talk about and I've already written about the only main character, this will just have the plot summary and a couple of videos. Brave was released in November 2012, plus it's based in Scotland where I come from!

In Scotland, a young Merida of Clan Dunbroch is given a bow by her father King Fergus for her birthday. While practicing, Merida encounters a will-o'-the-wisp. Soon afterwards, Mor'du, a giant demon bear, attacks the family. Merida escapes along with her mother Queen Elinor while Fergus fights off the bear at the cost of his left leg. Years later, Merida has become a free-spirited 16-year-old and an older sister of identical triplets: Hamish, Harris and Hubert. Elinor informs her that she is to be betrothed to one of her father's allied clans. Reminding Merida of a legend about a prince who ruined his own kingdom, Elinor warns her that failure to marry could harm Dunbroch, but Merida is dissatisfied with the arrangement.
The clans of Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall arrive with their first-born sons to compete in the Highland Games for Merida's hand. Merida announces she is eligible to compete for her own hand as the first-born of Clan Dunbroch and defeats each of her suitors in an archery contest, which she chose. Merida's actions cause an argument with Elinor before storming out. At the forest, Merida comes across the will-o'-the-wisps and is led to the hut of an elderly witch posing as a wood carver. The old woman tries to deny that she is a witch, but after some bargaining, the witch agrees to give the princess a spell to change her mother's mind in the form of a cake.
Merida returns to the castle and gives Elinor the cake, but instead of changing her mind about the marriage, it transforms her into a large black bear. Realizing she has made matters worse for herself, with the help of her brothers, Merida and Elinor return to the witch's now deserted cottage since Merida bought the witch's carvings with her necklace where they discover that the spell will be permanent unless undone before the second sunrise. The witch leaves Merida a riddle, mentioning that she must "mend the bond torn by pride." Merida and Elinor warmly bond together as they search for food. After encountering the wisps again, the two follow them to ancient ruins and encounter Mor'du, who they discover was once the prince in Elinor's legend who received a similar spell from the witch. Merida vows to her mother that she will not let her become a wild animal like Mor'du. Having torn a hole between herself and her mother on her family tapestry and their family bond in anger, Merida theorizes that she can reverse the spell by repairing the tapestry.
At the castle, the clans are on the verge of war, but Merida quells their fighting and, with the encouragement of her mother, the princess states that the children should be allowed to get married in their own time to whomever they choose. The clans agree, renewing and strengthening their friendships and breaking tradition. Merida then sneaks into the tapestry room with Elinor, who is losing control of her human self. Fergus enters the bed chamber and is attacked by Elinor until she regains human consciousness. After Elinor races out of the castle in desperation, Fergus, thinking that the queen was killed by Mor'du, pursues the bear. With the help of her brothers, who have transformed into bear cubs by eating the cake, Merida rides after her father while sewing up the tapestry. The clan members and Fergus capture Elinor, but Merida intervenes just before Mor'du attacks. Just as Mor'du is about to kill Merida, Elinor saves her and a menhir crushes Mor'du to death, releasing the prince's spirit.
At the second sunrise, Merida realizes the true meaning of the witch's riddle after placing the tapestry over Elinor and she reconciles with her mother. The queen is transformed back along with the triplets, and the family is reunited. A few days later, Merida and Elinor are sewing a new tapestry together of Merida and Elinor as a bear until they are called to the docks to say goodbye to the Lords. Then they both ride on their horses and journey around Scotland making their bond stronger than before.

Also I'd like to show you guys these clips!

Bye guys! I bet you know what's coming next!

Sunday 14 July 2013


GEEZ, Sorry I haven't been posting, I'm just too lazy sometimes T^T *cough*Allthetime*cough* Anyway, I'm going to talk about Tangled today which is next in the order of release (refering to my last post) Tangled was released in November 2010.

Once a drop of the sun has fallen on Earth and grows a magic golden flower with the ability to heal the sick and injury. Mother Gothel sees the flower and hides it; then she finds that when she sings to the flower, she rejuvenates. Centuries pass and a kingdom is raised in the place where the flower is hidden. When the beloved Queen is about to have a baby, she gets sick and the only hope to save her is to find the magic flower. But Mother Gothel does not want to share the sun's gift and keeps the flower hidden. However, the spot is found and the magic of the golden flower heals the Queen. When the Queen's daughter Rapunzel is born, she receives the healing power from the flower and Gothel abducts her to use her magic hair to stay young. Gothel raises Rapunzel as a daughter, without cutting her hair and locks her in a height tower in an isolated area. She keeps Rapunzel far from other people, telling that it is for her own protection. The King and the Queen celebrates the anniversary of their beloved daughter releasing lanterns to the sky, and Rapunzel dreams on leaving the tower to see the floating lights from the outside world. When the thief, cheater and liar Flynn Rider steals the crown with two bandits, he is chased by the royal guard. However, he double-crosses the other thieves and flees, and climbs the tower to hide. However, Rapunzel hits him with a frying pan and hides his satchel with the crown. Rapunzel promises to return the satchel if Flynn takes her to see the lanterns. He accepts the deal and they start a dangerous journey of discoveries and love chased by the guards, the bandits and Mother Gothel.

I know I say this too much but I love this movie and am so happy that this Disney princess just doesn't expect everything to happen to her, she works for what she wants (but in the crossover I still think she's the Damsel in Distress  but hey, every group needs one!)

There is a mini movie called Tangled Ever After based on Flynn and Rapunzel's wedding day but it mostly surrounds Pascal the Chameleon and Max the Horse who have lost the wedding rings and cause havoc in town trying to retrieve them! It's pretty entertaining!

Sorry for the short post but it is late at night and I have to get up early tomorrow to visit a friend, I promise I'll post tomorrow! Here is a couple of pictures as usual!

Flynn and Punzie's first meeting, hahaha!

Their Duet, SPOILER,  they don't kiss here XP

The reason Punzie has a new hairstyle is cause Flynn chopped it off to free her basically, don't understand it? WATCH IT!


Hahahaha Pascal's too cute and a total badass may I add!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

How To Train Your Dragon

My very first post, if you remember, was about a crossover Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons. Well I've talked about them as a whole, I will now talk about the movies separately. I'm going to talk about them in order of release therefore I'll start with How To Train Your Dragon released in March 2010.

The island of Berk is a Viking village that is plagued by attacks from dragons. Hiccup, the awkward son of the village chieftain, Stoick the Vast, shoots down a dragon he thinks may be a Night Fury, a rare dragon nobody has ever actually seen. Hiccup locates the dragon in the forest, but finds he is unable to kill the helpless animal. Hiccup instead cuts it free. Meanwhile, Stoick assembles a fleet to seek out the dragons' nest, but before he leaves, he places Hiccup in dragon-killing classes taught by Gobber, the village blacksmith.
Searching the forest, Hiccup finds the dragon trapped in a shallow glade; the dragon's tail was injured, preventing it from flying normally. Hiccup discovers a way to earn the dragon's trust and begins to care for it. He names the Night Fury "Toothless", for its retractable teeth. Later, Hiccup fashions a makeshift harness and prosthetic tail that allows him to guide the dragon in free flight. Hiccup is able to transfer his knowledge of dragons to the other species of dragons at school, appearing to conquer each one in battle and becoming the star pupil, much to the dismay of Astrid, a girl in dragon training on whom Hiccup has a crush. Eventually Hiccup completes the class and gets the chance to kill a dragon in front of the entire village. Meanwhile, the battered Viking fleet arrives home.

Later, Astrid follows Hiccup, and is shocked to discover Toothless. She attempts to escape to tell the rest of the village, but Hiccup takes her for a ride on Toothless. At first, Astrid is terrified, but then begins to enjoy the excursion. However, Toothless unexpectedly joins a flock of dragons and takes the pair straight into the dragon's nest, where they discover the presence of a gigantic dragon named the Red Death. The Red Death depends on the food the other dragons bring back, and if the other dragons fail to capture anything, the Red Death feeds on the dragons themselves, which is the reason why the dragons have been looting Hiccup's village. Astrid wants to tell the village of the nest, but Hiccup wants to keep it a secret to protect Toothless, and Astrid reluctantly agrees. Before she heads back, she punches his arm for kidnapping her, and then kisses him on the cheek for "everything else".

Hiccup is put to his final exam the next day by fighting a Monstrous Nightmare, but when he tries to show the village the dragon's true nature, Stoick stops the fight, inadvertently angering the dragon and endangering Hiccup. Toothless hears Hiccup's scream and flies in to save him, but is captured himself. Hiccup, attempting to explain his actions, reveals how to find the dragons' nest. He tries to warn his father of the danger, but Stoick refuses to listen to his son, demotes Hiccup from being a Viking, disowns him, and leaves with another fleet, using a restrained Toothless as their guide. As Stoick leaves he is shown to be visibly shaken by what he has done. Hiccup then concocts a plan to save the Vikings.

The teens arrive on dragons, when the Viking fleet has already discovered the Red Death. Hiccup's classmates distract it while Hiccup attempts to free Toothless. Hiccup and Toothless almost drown, but both are saved by Stoick. Hiccup and Toothless succeed in luring the Red Death into flight, ultimately damaging its wings and then forcing it into an inescapable dive back to earth, killing it in a massive explosion. While attempting to flee from the crashing dragon, Hiccup falls and Toothless dives into the flames after him.

Stoick finds Toothless, who reveals an unconscious Hiccup safely wrapped in his wings. Hiccup wakes up back on Berk. As he leaves his bed, he discovers that his left foot has been amputated and replaced by a prosthetic one made by Gobber. His grief is turned to joy, however, as he steps outside to find the Vikings and dragons working together to rebuild their village. He is greeted by everyone, and Astrid rushes to kiss him. The film ends with the war between Vikings and Dragons finally over with Hiccup and his friends racing their dragons. - Took from Wikipedia

I really love this movie and was so glad when I found out about the three mini movies:-

Ledgend of the Boneknapper Dragon (2010)

Book of Dragons (2011)

Gift of the Nightfury (2011)

I was even more glad when I found out there are going to be two sequels coming out in following years, the next one comes out June of next year and the third one comes out in 2016. There is also a television series that I haven't watched yet but hopefully will. Only thing I am doubtful of about this television series is that the animation is different and doesn't look as good.

The How To Train Your Dragon Franchise was originally a book series by Cressida Cowell and I haven't read them either but will hopefully someday! Now I've already done a profile on Hiccup so I'm going to end it here with a couple of pictures!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Icon For Hire

Hey Guys! This is going to be a short post because a) This isn't a very big topic, and b) It's 11:20 at night and I'm tired T^T. Anyway, today I'm writing about a band I particularly like called Icon For Hire. This band is an American rock band from Illinois that formed in 2007.

There are two songs I particularly like from this band, first one I heard was Make A Move. This is such an amazing song. Lead Singer Ariel said this in an interview about the song  "There are amazing, wonderful, precious people in anguish because they don't have access to food. There are bright-eyed, adorable little girls forced to have sex with strangers for fourteen hours a day, and are drugged up if they fail to perform. And what do I do with information like that? I shrug, think about how sad it is, and hope that somebody will come along and do something about it. ['Make A Move'] brings up the fact that we do so freaking little with all this knowledge. We are selfish. I am selfish." When I read this I was actually stunned, and made me really think about these situations people have to go through!

My second favorite song from these guys is Iodine. I'm not sure what this song is about but it is damn well good! There is one verse of the song I really like

 "I don't like pain, but I bring it to life

I don't like scars but I am good with a knife

I don't like tears when I'm starting to cry

And then I realize I'm destroying my life

I do this to myself

I do this to myself

Stop blaming someone else

We do this to ourselves"

Now to end this post, a little comedy! The lead singer is called Ariel right? Well...

Nope, don't think it's the same person :P

Monday 8 July 2013

Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama

Oh My God guys I'm so sorry for not blogging for ages! I've been on holiday with no wifi and it was killing me! Anyway I'm back and it's the Summer Holidays so I'll be able to post everyday with no excuses...hopefully.

Okay so today I'm going to talk about the first anime series I ever watched Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama. My best friend referred this to me and at first I was reluctant to watch it but I finally gave in. It was that good I finished the series in a day and a half. This is the anime that started it all!

This series surrounds Ayuzawa Misaki, Seika High School's Student President, who is hardworking, athletic and competitive by nature, but she can also be very scary and is nicknamed the "Demon President"by the boys in her school. She has a strong hatred for men due to her father abandoning her and her family with a huge debt. To help pay off this debt she secretly works for a maid cafe, Maid Latte where she is known as Misa-chan. She has kept this secret so she doesn't ruin her reputation at school but one boy, Usui Takumi, finds out and becomes a regular customer at the cafe. He protects Misaki in many different situations and isn't afraid to admit he loves her whereas Misaki is a Tsundere and refuses to confess and resorts to violence in awkward situations. Throughout the series Misaki starts to warm up to Takumi and the both of them tackle normal high school problems together.

This is Misaki's two main outfits, her school uniform and her maid outfit.

So I've already explained what Misaki is like so now I'll talk about Usui. Usui, a silent but strong person, he's mysterious yet only opened himself to Misaki. He is also a very popular boy in school because of his looks and talent. He is a very smart student, as well as being good at sports, and although very popular, he doesn't let it go to his head. On the contrary he seems to think the whole popularity-thing is rather troublesome. Most of the time, he has a nonchalant and apathetic attitude, but is always on the look-out for anything that may threaten or hurt Misaki, and he often saves her when she gets in trouble.-Took from Maid-Sama Wikia

Now to finish off this blog I'll leave you with a picture of their first kiss:-