Sunday 3 November 2013

Dere Test

I know I've been doing a lot of meme stuff and not any topics but I'm going through an important part of my school life and my social life has been causing me some distress so I haven't been really motivated to do anything. Anyway, here is the Dere Test!

Your Tsundere side:
[X] You come off as tough and confident on the outside, when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside.
[X] You often hide your true feelings for someone.
[X] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you.
[X] You are protective.
[X] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still on the inside worried that you’ve hurt them.
[ ] You are easily embarrassed.
[X] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them.
[ ] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings.
[X] You can be violent at times.
[X] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away.
[ ] When people say Thank You, you often reply by saying it was for yourself
[X] You never cry in front of others.
Total: 9

Your Yandere side:
[X] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly. 
[X] When angry, you’re normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. 
[X] You can at times, be obsessive.
[ ] People have said you are “two-faced”.
[X] People tell you you’re nice, but can be creepy at times. 
[ ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset.
[ ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling.
[X] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh.
[X] You can get very violent.
[X] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more.
[X] You like slow, sweet, but twisted songs. 
[X] You like colors like dark blue or light red.
Total: 9

Your Kuudere side:
[X] You don’t show your emotions to others.
[X] You hide your true feelings. 
[X] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up.
[X] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy. 
[X] You care for others a lot, still you don’t show it.
[ ] People think you are mysterious.
[X] You can be shy.
[X] You aren’t very loud, rather silent.
[X] You know who to trust and who not to.
[X] You choose your friends wisely.
[X] You like simple colors, like light purple or white.
[ ] You are rather mature.
Total: 10

Your Dandere side:
[X] You are a shy person.
[X] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself.
[X] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking.
[ ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking.
[ ] You have stage fright.
[X] You are stoic and not very open.
[ ] You hide yourself with your hair at times. 
[ ] Your face starts boiling when speaking with others.
[X] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird.
[X] You are afraid of meeting new people.
[X] You are a hard worker.
[X] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you cherish very much.
Total: 8

Wow that was a close one wasn't it? I'm a Kuudere so even though I'm emotionless and try to act cool, the slightest thing can make me happy or extremely sad!

Sunday 20 October 2013

31 Day Disney Challenge...IN ONE DAY!!!

Sorry for not posting last week, I' on my holidays and hardly know what day it is. Anyway I'm doing another meme in a day like I done with the Dan and Phil meme. Here we go!

Day 1: Your Favourite Movie

Day 2: Your Favourite Song

Day 3: Your Favourite Character

Day 4: Your Favourite Princess

Day 5: Your Favourite Prince

Day 6: Your Favourite Heroine

Day 7: Your Favourite Hero

Day 8: Your Favourite Animal

Day 9: Your Favourite Sidekick

Day 10: Your Favourite Serious Quote

"You've got the making of greatness in you!" - Treasure Planet

Day 11: Your Favourite Funny Quote

"I ain't biting no more butts!" - Mulan

Day 12: Your Favourite Kiss

Day 13: Your Favourite Talking Voice

Day 14: Your Favourite Singing Voice

Day 15: Your Favourite Location

Day 16: Your Favourite Disney Opening

Day 17: Your Favourite Couple

Day 18: Your Favourite Villain

Day 19: Your Favourite Scene
I can't find a clip for my favourite scene, it's from Return to Neverland when Jane finally flies!

Day 20: Your Favourite Soundtrack

Day 21: Your Favourite Sequel

Day 22: Your Favourite Pixar Film

Day 23: Your Favourite Love Song

Day 24: Your Favourite Villain Song

Day 25: What Moment Do You Think Is Funniest?

Day 26: What Moment Do You Think Is Saddest?

Day 27: Which Character Do You Think You're Most Like?

Day 28: Do you prefer Pixar or Traditional Animation?

I really like both, can't choose!

Day 29: What Moment Would You Like To Experience For Yourself?

All of Treasure Planet

Day 30: How Has Disney Made An Impact On Your Life?

Genuinely made me a happier person!

Day 31: Your Favourite Ending

Monday 7 October 2013

Shugo Chara

Jesus Christ Annie learn to update! I'm sorry guys school's just been an ass but now I'm on my October Holidays for two weeks so I'll make some big topic posts, starting with Shugo Chara! There are three different seasons but I have only watched the first two since they focus on the main plot and the third is just for fan service!

Every child has an egg in their heart, unseen at first, an egg with the would-be self of their dreams. Hinamori Amu, part of a group called the Guardians, protect those eggs from becoming x-eggs, eggs filled with resentment and resignation that gives children troubles. Amu's job is to capture and restore x-eggs to their original form. She does this with the help of her three Shugo Chara (guardian characters or her would be selves), Ran, Miki and Su. Thanks to them she can change her character and abilities, and so fight against the mysterious organization Easter which aim is to find a special egg called Embryo using the x-eggs. Later on in the series Amu gains a new Shugo Chara names Dia who betrays her but comes back at the end!

Now I'm not going to do a character profile since there are just TOO MANY FREAKING CHARACTERS!!! So I'm not going to do much more on this since I skipped most of the filler episodes, this anime doesn't need to be as long as it is. I'm going to end this post with this show's sexy beast: Ikuto Tsykiyomi!

Edit:- This is a day late because my wifi went to $hit!

Sunday 15 September 2013

15 Days of Dan and Phil...IN 1 DAY!

Hey Internet Guys! (Stop trying Annie, just stop it.) Since I've not planned ahead on the topic I was wanting to do today I'll just do a tag (I've never done one before) in one day! Here we go!

1. Favourite Dan Video

Who doesn't love this really?

2. Favourite Phil Video

I just love how random this is!

3. Favourite Video of the Both of them Together

4. Favourite Super Amazing Project

I love that episode's segment!

5. Favourite Phil Quote

"You should never make fun of something that a person can't change about themselves!"

6. Favourite Dan Quote

"I'm about as violent and intimidating as a pink butterfly!"

7. Favourite Philisnotonfire

I love the hug attack at the end! It's so cute!

8. Favourite AmazingDan

I seem to like the first ones the best!

9. Least Favourite Phil/Dan Video

I just find this really boring for some reason!

10. Favourite Interactive Video From Either Of Them

I actually don't like any of them  ._.

11. Phil or Dan's First Video?


12. Favourite SAP segment.

As I mentioned earlier the "Two Truths, One Lie"!

13. Favourite Phan gif

Tis' Cute!

14. Favourite "Awkward Childhood Stories" Video

I am a weird kid still!

15. Favourite "Reasons Why Dan Is A Fail" Video

And that is my tag! See you next week where I hopefully do the topic I was wanting to do this week! 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Not Posting Any Topics!

Last Week I Couldn't Think Of A Topic..... This Week I'm Sick! That Is All!

Sunday 25 August 2013

Three Days Grace

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the first bad I truly loved, when before I'd listen to whatever the radio played.  I first heard one of their songs 'Never Too Late' on an AMV on Youtube. I ended up listening to all of their songs which then lead me to other amazing bands.

One of the main things I love about this band is that their songs aren't about sex like most pop culture now a days is. Their songs are touching and on current issues like bulling and mental health. 

When I first started to get into this band and listen to it on my phone people would shout at me and tell me "Turn that shit off!" I didn't know why people never liked this kind of music but it didn't bother me, I just don't play it around anyone which leads me to being alone a lot. Still, I'd prefer to have little friends who have similar tastes to me than a heap full of friends and having to be fake. Thank you for reading and see you next week...hopefully.

Sunday 18 August 2013


Hey Guys! Okay I used Phil's catchphrase this time [facepalm]. Sorry I never posted last week,  I'm not going to give you  crappy excuse, I just plain forgot! Anyway Phil a.k.a AmazingPhil is the second vlogger I ever followed and (to be honest) is my favorite from the duo Dan and Phil.

Full Name
Philip Micheal Lester
30 January 1987 (age 26)
Rosendale, England
Other names
Years active
Known for
Vlogging, BBC Radio 1 presenter

Home town
Rosendale, England,United Kingdom
Internet information
Web alias(es)

Phil's video's regularly feature his toy Lion (ironically named Lion) in the background that speaks through annotations. Phil also has a segment at the end of each video called 'Draw Phil Naked', don't worry though, you don't see the D! Phil has over 1 million subscribers and I'm so glad I'm one of them. here is one of my favorite video's by him.